quinta-feira, outubro 27, 2005

And it rains - ou... Chove lá fora

The rain brings to my mind the poem “A lesson about water” of António Gedeão that ends like that:

Foi neste líquido que numa noite cálida de Verão,
sob um luar gomoso e branco de camélia,
apareceu a boiar o cadáver de Ofélia
com um nenúfar na mão.

(…and my free translation)…

It was in this liquid that in a warm summer night
under a camellia white sticky moonlight,
the corpse of Ophelia emerged floating,
a nenuphar in her hand.

quarta-feira, outubro 19, 2005

Back to blogging - Horse Parade in Brussels

It was a long time with no activity. But a lot of travelling happened, hundreds of pics to be slowly posted.
The first collection is from the Horse Parade, I saw on its last day of exhibition in Brussels, last September. Painted horses in all possible colours and disguises. The Unicorn and Obelix. Il cavalino rompante from Ferrari and the "cork stoppers" decorated horse. Others remembering psicadelic decorations of the seventies (or was it the sixties?)